Under the situation when you have difficulties in meeting your customers , we will do it for you.
You might have a restriction to develop your business abroad due to the circumstances under the COVID-19.
For the prospective customers in Japan, we explain your products and services, business conditions, and try to close the deal for you.
Based on the information from you, we will list up potential customers in Japan, prioritize them and develop sales and marketing strategy with you.
All you have to do is to provide necessary information on products and services to us and mutually develop ideas for customer approach.
Once the strategy is set, we will work for you in Japan as your competent sales team.
We will assign sales experts in respective field of your business and approach to the prioritized customers.
Then, we will set up a meeting between you and your customers so that you will have an opportunity to present your products and services any way you want to close the business.
For further details, please contact us. We will be your sales representative in Japan.
Mail: info@yoshplan.com

I have been supporting various Japanese firms who wishes to expand business abroad. When doing so, I have noticed that exactly the opposite is also required by the foreign firms who wants to go into Japanese market.
Especially when a travel to abroad is pretty much restricted, I thought I will be able to do sales activities in Japan for foreign firms, as our team has knowledge and network to the Japanese market.
We are looking forward to having opportunities to serve you.
Yuichi Yoshizawa
Managing Director
Cross Boader Link
Tokyo, Japan
Shinagawa, Tokyo